
Monday, January 09, 2006

My Maiden Voyage...

There are some in this world who are computer savvy -- I am not, even though I own multiple PCs.

There are some in this world who are blog savvy -- I am not, even though I have responded to posts on a friend's blog (

There are some in this world who seem to have countless hours to devote to this (mediocre, and often self-aggrandizing) form of publishing -- I do not, even though I am mediocre in many of my pursuits (e.g., golf, texas-hold-'em, etc.). As a man, a husband, a father, and a minister of the gospel, I do not have that kind of time. I have no intention of becoming a slave to this blog.

There are some in the ecclesiastical world (particularly the Reformed and Protestant world) who seem to think that blogging is a helpful tool for advancing biblical and theological acumen amongst God's people -- I'm skeptical, at best. Often blogging ends up being nothing more than a bunch of strangers sharing their collective ignorance. Instant publishing, in fact, is much like light beer when compared to a finely crafted cask conditioned ale -- less filling, no taste. While there may be profit in internet banter, especially when the subject is the living God and his inspired Word, as a general rule of thumb internet research is no safe guide, and for the Christian it is a far cry from the outward and ordinary means of grace God has appointed for his church (more on that in a future post).

So, then, why have I started this blog? Mob mentality, I guess. Everybody else is doing it, so why shouldn't I? Admittedly, that is very poor reason, and I already regret having posted such an admission in my very first entry.

Nevertheless, as the title and description of this blog would suggest, I am a confessional Reformed Baptist (again, more on that in a future post) -- and I am a minister in a confessional Reformed Baptist church. As such, I have created this blog so that I (and invited ministerial cohorts) might have a forum to address certain matters theological and ecclesiastical that might not appear in printed format, either in a book or theological journal.

Enjoy. And don't forget to come back.


Stefan said...

just add me to your favorites!

Stefan said...

Hey, the site is dedicated to Reformed theology and practice -- so, yes, you will probably see ale and/or cigar recommendations at some point.