
Friday, March 07, 2008

Another Blog

Been a busy week around here, so I haven't had too much time to think about posting.

I do have a couple of entries in the works, but I don't have enough time to finish them this week.

So, in lieu of anything new from me, I thought I'd pass along the link to the one blog I frequent.



lucidstates said...

Interesting blogger, this other pastor. I've aded his blog to my bookmarks, only thing I have an issue with, he seems to talk a whole lot about happenings in the world and music and movies and such, but not much about Christ.
I like the blog as a way to think about "things" but as a pastor blog, it just seemed kinda, not focused :-D


Stefan said...

It's not really a "church" or "pastor" blog per se. Most of the guys who comment on the blog are his friends from seminary or from other ecclesiastical circles.

Try looking in the archives for some of his earliest entries, and you'll get a flavor for what he is trying to do.

The substantive issues are well worth reading, and help the church be the church instead of getting too caught up in this wordly pursuits.